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” Contents and philosophy from the audiophile test demo CDs/SACDs.
The test/demo CDs/SACDs aren’t ones where popular tunes have been plucked off the shelf. All recordings on this CD/SACD were made exclusively for this test/demo CD/SACD and have been recorded digitally.
The High End Test Demo CD/SACD series are used in many ways. First in Hi-Fi shops to demonstrate high end equipment. Second by music lovers who buy new equipment and use our Test CD/SACD for home listening. Third on High End exhibitions you can hear very often our Test CD/SACDs. ” – STS Digital
‧集合女聲、器樂、敲擊等發燒錄音,收錄爵士天Diana Panton – Juno Awards得獎爵士演唱專輯選曲、牛筋四人幫主腦Alberto Bocini最新二重奏錄音、古樂名牌Alia Vox錄音、世界音樂廠牌ARC靚聲錄音等等
‧首度收錄《音響論壇 – CD聖經》上榜天碟: 《我的祖國:莫爾道河》四手聯彈版以及
Bonus Track:宮崎駿動畫《幽靈公主》插曲豎琴版本+電影感森林特效 -
※精心挑選,囊括人聲、樂器曲目,風格多變豐富: 人聲:音樂劇第一男主角演唱、全男班合唱團、得獎爵士女聲、韓國清新民歌女聲、 台灣金曲獎原住民女聲… 樂器:色士風獨奏、拉丁豎琴、吉他中樂…
※特別收錄試機曲目:"火車進站"、"木屐舞鞋" 實用性、娛樂性兼備!
※阿淘御用台灣金牌錄音師重新混音 -
《EXTREME SOUND》各界好評如潮!徇眾要求誠意加推 Vol.2
特別收錄著名發燒界傳奇人物, 著名台灣客家歌手 – 阿淘
全新創作發燒新歌 – 河婆序曲:「我愛你」
廷用阿淘專用錄音師,全新數位技術混音, 還原母帶原聲音效 -
收錄「牛筋四人幫」, 美聲天后「Janet Seidel」,「豎琴佬」
「蛇頭」, 「極鼓」…等至燒大碟
全新數位技術混音, 還原母帶原聲音效
Sunrise Music 10週年紀念專輯 限量印制 收藏必選 -
This audiophile demonstration album contains 13 tracks which were recorded with 50 year old ” ” Neumann valve microphones. Many tracks use the “Decca tree” configuration, invented by engineers in the early 1950’s using 3 Neumann M50 microphones. Some tracks were recorded with a 1/2″ Studer reel to reel recorder running at 30ips. This audiophile disc was used as a reference by Michael Fremer of Analog Planet in testing various record mats. The album contains selections from composers and musicians that include Vivaldi, Mozart, Ellington, Rachmaninoff, Verdi, and more! “