  • trizoean2

Studio Konzert: Triozean 180G VINYL LIMITED EDITION


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SKU: NLP4096. Category: . Tags: , .

Product Description

Studio Konzert: Triozean 180g Vinyl LIMITED EDITION

  • Recorded live in the Bauer Studios
  • Audiophile Quality
  • Full Analog Live Production
  • Direct to 2-track 180G LP

Track Listing

Side A

1. Moi Sad (我的悲哀)
2. Transsibirsche Eisenbahn (鐵路)
3. Polar(極地)

Side B

1. Tango Incognito(匿名)
2. Good Night (晚安)
3. Romaschka
4. Natschat Istoriju


“This is an excellent jazz at a high level (…), rarely heard such tailor-coordinated lyrical passages, dynamically finely chased and precisely in rhythm and tempi.”

Piano News 01/2015 (Carten Dürer)

“The music of the trio always something catchy and easy, consists of simple melodies, often with ‘E’ coloring (…) always manages a fantasy of subtle deviation Here the trio is very close predicate:… Very well, suitable for soundtracks. “

Jazzthetik 11/14 (Joachim Weis)

“Great to hear (…) a rhythmically accentuated, musically vital program. (…) Strong music. (…) In the grooves of excellent gefertigten180-gram slice of character that you purely!”

AUDIO 10/14 (Justus Schlierbacher) – SOUND TIP

“The coincidence of unusual music and excellent recording technique (without finishing, direct-to-2-track) works again excellent!”

Hifi-Stars 09/14 (Janis Obodda)


Additional Information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 35 × 35 × 5 cm

